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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Continued Taiwan Post Part 3!

whoooops =/ 
the huge lagggg in posting the photos for my taiwan trip which was like during x'mas till now!
If you haven't seen the two posts on my Taiwan trip yet,
click here for Taiwan Trip Part 1
& here for Taiwan Trip Part 2! ;D

Day 4
Went to Chiufen early in the morning.
Chiufen is the filming site of the film "Sad City" 
& a small, prosperous village w many shops selling famous local dishes & snacks.

As it was the weekends, 
coaches weren't allowed to enter.
Thus, we had to transfer to their public buses to reach our destination! 

the trouble of having such a huge population =/

 Some taiwan goodies i got from this shop!
for my belovedssss! 

Super sweet couple tee! T_T ~~
I'll be the most fortunate woman on Earth if my husband wears this out w me in future! <3
But then again, it's super attention seeking mans! =S
Girls, don't you think it's just so sweet?? ((;

Ordered both of this!
But somehow the yam one didn't taste nice!
the tapioca one taste nicer!
learnt how to appreciate sweet tapioca ever since ima back from Taiwan!
#adding on to the fussy eater's know-how-eat list

Not a fan of smelly tofu =S

*Take deep breath & Cover Nose*

Another MUST-MUST you've to eat when you're at Taiwan!!
lurou fan! ;D
Super nice!
One bowl costs like SGD$1 onlyyy!
Don't usually like the fatty meat.
but it's really nice there! 
OMGGGGG *Salivates*

another one that is MUST-MUST.
looks like popiah!
ima missing it right naooo just by looking at it!
Looks so yummy & chewy rights! 
The bits from the peanut candy tgt w the 2 different flavours of ice cream,
it tastes damn awesome!
A MUST-MUST TO HAVE IT when you see this hokays!
& bring some back for me if you go there ;B
hahhahaha lol lol.

The recorder-alike thingyyyy.
idk what you call these!

Took a video of the person making music out of it these cute lil things.

Heading on to our next destination! ^^
Outfit of the day! 

Bought this super comfy shoe at Taiwan! ^^
Took a leisure stroll along Fisherman's Wharf,
the filming site of the popular TV Drama Serial, "Meteor Garden" 
& admire the beautiful sunset on Tamjiang, 
acclaimed as one of Taiwan's 8 resplendent scenic attractions.

The couple bridge!

Look what i spotted at the end of the bridge! ;D

The tall ice-cream.
You'll see this everywhere in Taiwan,
but i didn't try it though.
cos i was already shivering there w the 12 DC temp~

The super big chicken fillet!
definitely can't get this portion in sg!

The entrance of the Grand Hotel,
the palace-style architecture which makes it a magnificent landmark.

its interior.


okayyyys attempted to finish up blogging about my Taiwan Trip,
but apparently i failed!
Stauy tuned for my last 2 days of my trip in the next post! 

Love ya'll.
Thanks for reading <3

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