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Monday, August 15, 2011

Rebvertorial: Know how to check the quality of your coloured contact lenses !

Just back from dinner at Vienna, an International seafood & Teppanyaki buffet restaurant~
Thumbs up, even better than most hotels' buffet! (Y)

2 weeks ago, i had another event assignment at keppel club for lg.
familiar face again, ching ying ^^
totally not my photo angle!
was taken during our break, after our catwalk.
& it was taken with front cam on her ipad2.
like cool onlyyyyy~!


 & I'm sure by now, 
those of you who have been wearing lenses that you have been buying online would be aware of it by now. 

Our Government has banned online selling of cosmetic lenses unless seller is qualified to do so.

This has brought lots of trouble to those who has been wearing these cosmetic lenses.
that definitely includes me.
pretty annoyed by it! =/
hate to source all over again for another brand of lenses.
& there are no brands of lenses sold in local shops that have nice designs and are as big as geo.

Our eyes are the window to our soul,
who wouldn't want to look pretty with those lenses??
I can go out w/o makeup,
but definitely nt w/o contact lens!
Acuvue, Maxi Eyes or other lenses sold in those shops cannot be compared with it totally =/
& the major problem is that their coloured lenses are all only 14-14.5mm! :((

now the only choice is to source it from other countries since there are no more local suppliers.
however, the shipping fees really cost a bomb :((

I only purchase a pair of yearly lenses & wear it for not more than half a year.
I do not have the habit of stocking up the lenses as I am really cautious for more eyes.
 I think purchasing lenses closer to date would be better.

thus, now I would have to pay like $30 for a pair of geo lenses 
inclusive of shipping & postage charges!! 
It's not expensive,
but it's definitely not worth the price.
Usually, we pay like $12-$14 for a pair of geo lenses,
which already includes the postage fee -.-
I'm definitely not gg to purchase it myself.

The only local supplier that I've found recently sadly do not take in orders for geo.
Fortunately, I've ordered myself a pair of Big Eye lenses at the price of $30-$35.
They still have lenses available from 
Bambi / Water Fairy / Disney Eye / Vivi / Komi Belle and many more! ;D

Hope that the lenses would reach safely!
However, these lenses cannot be compared to geo at all.
Yes, they look nicer and indeed create a more dolly effect.
But they are all 17mm or bigger!!
How many of us can actually look natural with such big lenses!
i'll probably look cross eyed! >.<

Before hearing the news that Singapore banned the blogshop from selling online cosmetic lenses,
I've witnessed more blogshops closing down.

I panicked for a moment and began to suspect if there were problems with geo lenses.
& as all of us know, it's scary to purchase lenses online even though they have been certified.

I actually have perfect eyesight,
I admit that my eyesight has deteriorated a little.
due to wearing those lenses for more than 12 hours everyday =S
yes i know i know! super extreme!
The next thing I want it to happen would definitely not be anything related to my cornea 
and be blind for the rest of my life just because I am vain.


Lucky me,
I came across this repeated episode of  女人我最大 one morning, 
teaching us how to test if the lenses that you have been wearing are safe.
& I felt that I ought to share with those who are as afraid as me!

I shan't mention the brand that I gonna test it on.

you will need a cotton bud and a contact lens.

What you have to do is simple!

Scrub lightly using the cotton bud/wool against the coloured part of your lens!

& if it's poor quality lens,
you are most likely to see this! :((
this is what i have been wearing!

According to the experiment done in 女人我最大,
you won't see the colour coming off if it's good quality lens.

So give it a try & check if your coloured lens are safe to use!


finally done with this long post.
hope it helps! ;-)

exams are round the corner,
& ima falling sick :((

gonna have a good rest nowwww!

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