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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Reminiscing about the Past.

some photos i came across while emptying my recycle bin.
& wow, i did change quite a bit.

sad to say, my size and height didn't change at all :((
probably i should slim down more?

gpnna be bombarded with photos of me!

yes yes, i know i definitely look so much younger w/o makeup!
but when you have been putting makeup for years,
gg out with lighter or no makeup feels the same like gg out w/o clothes.

not exaggerating okayyys!

had this bun as big as a beehive last time!

gosh, as my makeup got thicker & thicker.

then my beehive was reduced to
a smaller keropokpok on my head!

took me long to get used to gg out w/o the bun on my head!
guess most girls have the same bun as me in since secondary school.
that was like the trend in a way or two.

& of cos these are my recent photos ((;
so so, lotsa changes??
only from a girl to a woman!^^

somehow i don't mind as much as before,
to go out with a bare face.
feels good to be on a lighter makeup actually ;D

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