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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our booth in Flea market @Scape! ;-)

Finally backkkk from flea @Scape!

our booth!
nt bad harrrrrs? ;bb

although our design is simple,
but we were kinda proud of it cos it's quite nice compared to the layout of other booths there!
at least it didn't look as pasar malam-ish =/

Omggg, this girl actually surprised me when i saw her appearing at my booth!
awesome friend I have ;bb
shiang ming & i ;-)
a close friend of mine when i was in jc.

lovely contacting her friends who were coming over! ;D

lovely's friends also came down to support her!

I was lucky to have my mum fetching me there and back
& also helping us out for hours at our booth ;-)

Thanks for those who went down to support us
& also those who purchase from me even before the flea! <3
It made all the efforts that we put in worthwhile ;-)

Overall, sales was pretty good.
Just that perhaps, I have too many apparels ,
like close to 300 of them, or even more =/
As a result, I only managed to sell about half of them due to the limited space that we have. 


I'm already thinking of joining the flea in maybe 2/3 months' time again!
I still have many apparels that I wanna clear! :((
should i?? ;D

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