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Saturday, December 31, 2011

BYE 2011, HELLO 2012!

Happy New Year to all of you!
Hope 2012 will be a better year for all of us! ((;

2011 has been a rather good year for me.
Quite a handful of events for me this year, so somehow i did lesser photoshoots.
hehs, let's hope 2012 stays the same before i get old & not able to do events anymore.
i really feel old naoooo, cos ima reaching my 21st next year.
oh man oh mans =S lao liao >;

Also, marking the anniversary of my blog soon! ;D
Gonna be one year old!
Well my blog is rather new,
but i was lucky to have many advertorials opportunities & also invites for blogger events.
hee hees, thanks to you guys who have been coming back to this page regularly!
Bloggers many, in fact as long as anyone who blogs.
If there ain't awesome readers like you, my blog will just be a personal blog?
Just wanna thank all of you cos you guys give me the motivation to blog more often!

At the start, when i met haters.
They brought me down, but thanks to some awesome readers who gave me encouraging comments through my fs/ email, i survived through those shit. <3 <3
Yeahs! Continue to tune in as often aye! ((;

okays for studies.
as usual, nothing much.
Just praying that i will graduate smoothly.
Lazy bones aside. 3/4 more months.
I smell freedommmmm already! wheeeee! ;D

For my music,
ima gonna resume all my lessons again.
Stopped learning piano & cello this year
cos i've been busy w too many things.
Too much for me to handle.
well, ima gonna go for music exams again!

It's also the year where I realised who are the real/ fake ones,
be it close friends or boyfriend.
I found out who really stayed by my side at times i needed them.
Yes & i'll continue to cherish these important people of my life,
for they were by my side, some silently, some w many words of encouragement,
just to get me back up on my feet <3
For the rest,
i've to admit that ima really sick of it.
Things are not meant to be taken for granted.
Treasure things if you really love it.

For my love life,
i haven't met anyone suitable yet.
okayyys that's not the main reason.
but oh wells =/ =/
not in a rush to get into any r/s.
Let nature take its course.
okayyyy standard rytes~

Ending w more photos of me! ;D
This is my blog for a reason! ;B

Love y'all <3
LET'S COUNTDOWN TO THE END OF 2011 in a few hours' time!

2012 Bring it on!
I wish that 2012 will be better for my family & dearest friends of mine <3
& I wish that 2012 will be awesome for awesome people like you!

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