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Sunday, January 22, 2012


so bored naoooo that ima 9GAG-ing!
no programmes on today cos i've to be hm.
gg to grandma's hse for dinner tonight =/

puppy eyes.
after looking at this,
it makes me feel like having a maltese even more!! 

cigarettes that exhale colourful breath.
if we really have this, 
i'll understand why smokers smoke.
-to make their life more colourful! lol!
if not, why smoke?? =/

oh yes, so true =x

rainbow quotes for you??

naise one~

p/s: i am so touched by my boyyy.
he told me over the phone last night
"he did something bastard & posted smth on my wall"
i was like HUH?! 
in the end it turned out to be this. 
damn sweet <3

& there is it <3
 i've known him for like close to 2 years??
hope he doesn't see this in case i rmbered wrongly=x

our r/s wasn't a smooth sailing one out of this close to 2 years.
but it's really cool, that after one big round.
we're back tgt again. ((;

shall end with a photo of us.
taken using iphone's lousy camera.
he waited for me to end work ytd <3 ((;

Love makes the world go round <3

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