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Friday, October 14, 2011

my last week of holidays is coming to an end! >-;
7 weeks of holidays not doing much! ;D
didn't accept many event assignments cos i wanted to rest this holidays.
only did a few photoshoots & events ;B

pampering myself in the last week of holidays!
was down with rashes for the whole of last week >-;

shopping with self-proclaimed Sunshine Caramel Eggy Head ytd.
  just simply BOTAK can alrdy.

congrats on his POP! ;D

okays i like his cap! >-;

my outfit of the day! >,<

Cold Stone Creamery~ ;D

My Strawberry Cheesecake & his Caramel Chocolate Ice Cream <3

okay this is my outfit of the day luhh ;bb
with my own cap ^^

Thanks for the Hello Kitty top that i wanted ;-)
sucha sweet friend i've got. touched leyyyyy!

It's so cuteee, but i don't think i have the courage to wear this out! 
hahhahah prolly only when ima at overseas! ;D

& it's made in Taiwan! 
the quality of the apparel is really not bad! 

think ima crazy over hello kitty?
no no not as bad.
at least i won't have it tatoo-ed at any part of my body.
not that extreme YET! ;bb

Nor would i want my future bf to wear hello kitty briefs!
A total turn-off mans!


earlier on this week...
rebonded my hair for the 4th time again~\

the before & after. lol.
okays all the pictures below wl all be me w/o makeup
cos ima too lazy to makeup recently when ima out nearby only.

super nice shiang came down all the way near my hse just to go for facial tgt! <3

headed down to Downtown East for a late dinner after facial.

at BBQ Chicken!

at first we thought this was just the normal table no.
& shinag was like press bell press bell, no one around one.
& really can press to call the staff one.
we so suaku! =/


shiang's charbolied grilled chicken.

My Chicken Meatball Pasta.
I ate like a quarter of it only.
I only have myself to blame for ordering Spaghetti at BBQ Chicken.

Cheesy Cheesyyyy Nachos.

BOO! >,<
okays we so boh liao! ;bb


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