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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Singtel F1 Roadshow @Tampines

with the f1 event drawing to an end by the end of next week,
this is also my last roadshow as lg racequeen~!

 enjoyed working with serene girl 
& of cos marcia who is at paris enjoying now!

with ah boon ;-)

with abigail! ^^
the photographer was taking too long!
till i was totally slouching alrdy! =/

3d photos used to show customers.
taken from lg optimus 3d! 
of cos jx and jj were also working in this roadshow!
didn't managed to take any pictures with them!

not forgetting the rest of the awesome lg team! 

lg rocks big time~~
had fun working with all of you!

& thanks guys for helping us to shake off those perverts at all of the roadshows!
& also haha harold, you're not forgotten, thanks for all the opportunites for us in so many lg events! ^^


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