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Friday, August 26, 2011

This post is prolly for me to rant everything out!
hahahhaha not bcos i'm super angry but i just can't stand it.

Guess most bloggers be it famous/ less famous ones
or most people having fs face the same problems too.
& a few of my blogger friends are facing it too~

# People spamming on your formspring! GRRRRRRS!*

& for those of you who have fs,
you prolly know that the questions we get everyday, only lika pathetic 20% of it are good!
the rest are either SICK questions, MEAN questions/comments to bring you down.

The reason why we have formspring is to allow readers to ask us about our advertorials' stuff or anything like our makeup, clothing, lifestyle or anything under the sun.
YES,  i just said anything under the sun. we'll be glad to answer them.

but it doesn't mean that formspring should be misused.
especially recently after i broke up, 
people have been spamming my fs like everyday asking abt me & him.
of cos, i usually ignore and won't bother answering most of them!

of cos there are nice people cheering me up & asking me to pick myself up quickly and stuff.
but others are just BALL-LESS people i swear.
if you wanna comment, email or comment on fs/ under our blog post rytes~!
Want to say, then don't comment as ANONYMOUS.

& fs system is super clever,
it will flag those questions automatically when the content is rude.
so too bad for these people.


To those that are facing the same problems~

* Don't see those flagged questions if you know that they are affecting you a lot.

* Don't be discouraged & let them succeed in bringing you down! ;D
Even famous bloggers like Xiaxue gets this kind of comments form her readers,
so chill, the problem doesn't lies in you!
You prolly can just thank them for giving you free blog hits!
Loyal readers aren't they?? :B

* Don't answer their impolite questions/ comments.
guess the first thing most people do is to shoot them back!
BUT NO! they'll end up coming back with more! they are just attention-seekers!

They definitely love you. No love, no hatred ;bb


& i prolly take this chance to address it once & for all.
i guess failed relatioships are merely just part of our lives.
most of us are bound to face it at some point of time.
How many of the people around you actually walks down the red carpet with their very first bf/gf.
RARE i would say.

In a relationship,
the 2 two people that know it all are just you & your partner.
so please, outsiders have no right to comment about it.
cos they don't know everything.
the good & bad habits your partner has, only you know it.

yes, definitely when you first break up,
no matter who initatied it, if you truly loved that person, you'll definitely be really heartbroken.
i was, & i admitted that a few weeks back, i was at the lowest point of my life.
But no one can help you if you don't pick yourself up.
Your friends can show you their utmost concern but at the end of the day,
it's still you who decides it all, whether you gonna live happily or be sad everyday.

so don't be so sick, when people's getting better. & idiots on fs say things like you don't look sad at all.
oh PLEASE, even if your parents died one day, touch wood!*
such comments are really from saddists/ brainless people !

if you are concern about your ex-bf, NO.
just IGNORE him unless he's really worth being good friends still !
if he is, i'm sure you wouldn't be feeling that sad!
i know it's hard not to see his updates to see how he have been doing.
this quote below sure helps!
"Never ever get angry if you were to see your ex-bf w someone else cos since I was a child, my mum told me to give away my old toys to the less fortunate. "
well, this is something one of my friends told me cos she's afraid one day such thing wl happen.
&  i swear it really made me felt better.
if he truly loved you, he definitely won't be interested in others anytime soon
& if he is, it shows he's no worth you getting sad over.

Hope this post helps those of you facing the same problems as I do.
Ending off love for all of you!
Treasure what you have~!

When you are single, you see happy couples.
When you are attached, you see happy singles.
Just be happy with what you have ^^

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