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Monday, February 28, 2011

yays, exam is finally over! ((;
didn't study much for my exam this time.
totally didnt have the mood to at all.
plus i dont pay attention during normal days.
revision is all last minute, a day before the exam.
just hope that i won't fail any papers, or i should just dropout from school.

6 weeks attachment @club 21 next week onwards.
look forward to it!
but the sad thing for the people in our course,
our itp is 6 day week :(
& we definitely have to work during weekends.

have been wearing cap whenever i'm out recently.
not bcos ima vain, but due to my neither short nor long fringe covering my face.
decided to keep my fringe longgg.
for this period, everyday is gg to be a bad hair day for me!

for now, i shall enjoy the time that i have before i get busy again! ;b
got to catch up on my music! for my cello & piano exam.
& ima off for a swim now!

♥ ♥ ♥

ps: thanks to those who drop me comments on my fs.
to ask me to get over my ex quickly.
super touched by all of your concern! ((;
didn't accept all cos i don't really want to be reminded about my ex for now.

but still thanks, much appreciated! <3 <3

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