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Thursday, February 17, 2011

we go this wild during study weekkkk!! :B

went back to school today although it was study week.
no one went back only part of our clique!
went gaga after gene ho left! ;D

idk what was i telling pearlyn, but epic one. HAHAHA.

& we're always this wilddddddd.
heh hehs! ;b

end of year 2 after next week!
jiayou girls! <3

ps. do you agree that our mood actually affects our skin?
i actually think that it does!
from what i have been gg through recently....
 my skin was in a terrible condition.
but when one is happier, everything is different!

thus, let's all be happy & not let anyone affect our mood! ((;
esp when it's over someone that's nt worth you sacrificing anything for.
be happy everyday just for a great, glowing skin! ♥

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